General Information

Bhutan, the land of happiness, is located in south Asia in the eastern Himalayan ranges, landlocked between India to the east, west, and south and [Tibet] China to the north. In Dzongkha, the national language of the country it is known as Drukyul “the land of thunder dragon” and people are known as ‘Drukpas’. The term comes from its state religion, which is the Drukpa Kagyu sect.

The total area of the country is 38,394 sq. km, and the altitude ranges between 200m and 7,570m above sea level.  It is sparsely populated by less than 700.000 people compared to its giant neighbors. Bhutan is composed of a large variety of people groups, from yak herders in the north to orange growers in the south. The tiny country has astonishing ecological diversity. It is about 300 km from west to east and 150 km from north to south. For many centuries, it remained isolated from the outside world because of its formidable geographical barriers, which have enabled the kingdom to maintain its independence throughout its history.

The country and its people lived harmoniously and peacefully under the glorious reign of the Wangchuk dynasty for over 108 years. Bhutan opened its door to the modern world only in 1961 by building a road connecting India. In 2008, the country made a historic moment by enthroning a new king and embracing a new form of government, constitutional monarchy from absolute monarchy, which is a gift from a visionary leader, the fourth king, Jigme Singye Wangchuk, giving back power to the people. The country measures its development progress using the concept of gross national happiness instead of gross domestic product.

Bhutan at Glance:

Total area:  38,394 sq km

Population: 700000

Form of Government:  Democratic constitutional Monarchy

State Religion: Mahayana Buddhism ( Vajrayana Form)

Capital: Thimphu

Forest Cover: 72% of the total area

Protected Areas           : 51.44 %( 19,676.57 sq km)

Local time: six hours ahead of GMT

National Language: Dzongkha; English is also widely spoken

Currency: Ngultrum (Nu.) One US dollar is roughly equal to 50 nu.

National Sport: Archery